Archives de Tag: Stirling

John Knox, the Hall of Heroes and the Yellowlees

Within The National Wallace Monument near Stirling in Scotland, I really didn’t expect him to be present. But there he was, amidst the white marble portraits of Sir Walter Scott, of young Robert Burns, of Livingstone and many other famous Scotsmen : John Knox, the 16th century reformer, pamphletist and gifted orator. A protestant minister of […]

1314-2014 : News of the Battle of Bannockburn

In early summer of the year 1314,  by a small river named Bannock Burn in Scotland, took place one of the most famous battles in European history. The battle of Bannockburn was fought on june 23th and june 24th between the armies of king Edward II of England (1284-1327) and king Robert the Bruce of Scotland […]

Marie de Lorraine, la mère oubliée de Marie Stuart

Le 20 novembre 1515 naissait à Bar-le-Duc Marie, le premier enfant de Claude de Lorraine, comte d’Aumale, et de son épouse Antoinette. À l’occasion des 500 ans de sa naissance en 2015, le CIRLEP de l’Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne et le CRULH de l’Université de Lorraine organisaient en octobre un colloque à Bar-le-Duc qui lui […]